Join Our Colloquy
Why colloquy and not something else?
A colloquy is a formal conversation / discussion on any topic. We believe that every individual has all the ideas/solutions for any challenge and if there is a right forum with like minded people it would be a great space to brainstorm.
Why your presence is important?
We understand your value and the ideas you will bring into the colloquy which will benefit the whole group. Come in with an open mind to give and receive. We are sure you would love it.
Why be part of this forum?
There are many leadership forums available but a small group with people looking to work on a similar topic is what this forum will give you. Sometimes it’s interesting to just look at perspectives from others which will make us challenge our thinking and we believe this cozy group will be able to give that to each other.
What would be our role?
We love bringing people together and having conversations. We would be facilitating the colloquy to help the participants to take a re-look at the topic from all directions to find solutions.